Thursday, March 18, 2010

Chinese New Year Celebration (Year of the tiger, 2010) at Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Organizing committee line up at the car park to greet the arrival of Pengarah, Dr. Juraidah Babji, at 11.00am. (Scene 1)

Organizing committee line up at the car park to greet the arrival of Pengarah, Dr. Juraidah Babji, at 11.00am.

Organizing committee line up at the car park to greet the arrival of Pengarah, Dr. Juraidah Babji, at 11.00am. (Scene 2)

Organizing committee line up at the car park to greet the arrival of Pengarah, Dr. Juraidah Babji, at 11.00am. (Scene 3)

Pengarah of hospital, Dr. Juraidah Babji, ushered into the main table by the Organizing committee.

Pengarah of hospital, Dr. Juraidah Babji, shacked hand with the Organizing committee members on her way to the main table .

Some of the hospital staffs assembled right next to the main table before the arrival of the Pengarah.

UMNO Wanita Penampang accompanied by Mr。 Ong See Kwang,the committee member of Lembaga Pelawat Hospital QE.

Staff nurses enjoyed the lion dance show put up by Yick Nam troupe, the world famous lion dancing troupe.

The crowd were amazed by the spectacular display of skills presented by the Yick Nam troupe.

The Yick Nam lion dancing troupe is surprisingly made up by bumiputra.

The Yick Nam lion dancing troupe in action on top of the iron pillars where it jumped from pillar to pillar in a certain format to accomplish the 'caiqing' ceremony.

The Yick Nam lion dancing troupe in 'caiqing' ceremony from a different angle of view.

The UMNO Wanita Penampang led by its Wanita Head, Puan Nining Ballard, its Secretary , and members attended the Chinese New Year (CNY) celebration; a proof that CNY is no longer a Chinese only festival, but also for all the ethnic races in the country. It's truely 1Malaysia spirit in practice.

The UMNO Wanita Penampang led by its Wanita Head, Puan Nining Ballard, its Secretary , and members showed that multi-culture is alive in Sabah when Chinese New Year (CNY) celebration is seen enjoyed by all races.

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